11/04/2021Published by marzie.farahani at 11/04/2021High quality rug and recognizing 8 important featuresHigh quality rug and recognizing it is a question that is becoming more and more difficult to answer and find […]
03/06/2021Published by marzie.farahani at 03/06/2021Acrylic carpet or silk carpet? Full comparison of their advantagesAcrylic carpet or silk carpet? Perhaps the question that arises when buying and choosing a car carpet for almost everyone, […]
11/06/2021Published by marzie.farahani at 11/06/2021Principles of carpet arrangement and 10 basic pointsprinciples of carpet arrangement is one of the most important issues that you can follow to bring extraordinary beauty to […]
20/06/2021Published by marzie.farahani at 20/06/2021Getting to know Gabbeh Examining the dimensions and designsKnowing Gabbeh and examining its features is one of the specialized cases that it is necessary to look at it […]
28/06/2021Published by marzie.farahani at 28/06/2021top carpet museums in the world and Iranian carpets in themThe top carpet museums in the world during their activity have always been looking for exquisite Iranian carpets as one […]
29/06/2021Published by marzie.farahani at 29/06/2021The greatest carpet designers Introducing 10 main figuresThe greatest carpet designers and recognizing them is one of the topics that carpet and weavers should be familiar with. […]