Embroidering handmade rugs at home and step-by-step

Embroidering handmade rugs is one of the specialized tasks that can save you money again, to buy a new rug. Rupture, rot, burning and abrasion are among the most important problems and events that occur not only for handmade carpets but also for machine-made carpets, and you can eliminate these problems to a large extent by doing repairs.
In this article on Farahan carpets, we intend to first go to a step-by-step tutorial on how to do handmade carpets after a general introduction and refine all the points you need to know.
What is handmade carpet?
With inflation and the economic situation that unfortunately prevails in our country, the ability to buy and replace home appliances is becoming more and more difficult. Therefore, the maintenance and maintenance of living equipment is one of the most important things that we must learn the principles of, hand-carpets and machine-made carpets is also one of these items.
In general, defects and problems such as tears and burns are completely natural for the carpet, which in many cases occurs accidentally and is out of your control. You who are also reading this article may have encountered one of these problems.
The point that we need to remind you is that embroidering handmade carpets and in fact the profession of embroidering is a completely specialized job that is actually a supplement to carpet weaving and if the rate of damage and damage to your carpet is high, it is recommended. Do not do this yourself in any way.
Steps to embroider handmade carpets
In general, refurbishing work requires a series of special conditions and prerequisites, and you need to get acquainted with them one by one, and after the necessary checks, proceed to do so.
If you do not do the carpeting properly, you may not only not get a positive result from it, but you may make your carpet worse.
1. Appropriate personal and environmental conditions
In the first step, let’s be honest; If you are not a patient person, do not start carpet weaving! This profession requires a lot of patience while doing the work so that you can accurately find and repair the damaged parts of the carpet.
In the second step, you must look for a suitable environment for refu. Try to choose a completely quiet place with lots of light. Using a crowded place for children makes it difficult for them to work and you can not do your job easily.
Since carpeting usually takes a long time, try to choose a place to sit that has a place to lean so that your back does not hurt.
The best way is to put the carpet or rug on a short stool so that the carpet rises and you sit on a cushion yourself.
2. Prepare the carpet to be repaired
Contrary to many people’s beliefs, the carpet should be thoroughly cleaned first so that the problems and defects, whether it is torn, burned or otherwise, are completely clear.
There are two ways you can clean your carpet; If the amount of rot in your carpet is not high and it will not be damaged if washed, be sure to wash it.
But if your carpet may be damaged while washing, you can use a vacuum cleaner to remove all the dust. To do this, it is better to vacuum both the top and the back surface.
Do not forget one thing, the work of carving handmade carpets is done to preserve and maintain the carpet, and remember that you must not let it reach a stage where the rate of decay increases and you for better care, especially for antique and old carpets. Replace it every once in a while.
Read more: What is a handmade carpet and what are its features?
3. Provide carpet repair tools
For every job and profession, you need specialized equipment, and hand-made carpet weaving is no exception. We have prepared a list of the most important equipment you need for this with a brief explanation:
Cutting equipment: You need to use cutting equipment to cut the corners of the carpet and burnt or worn parts, the most important of which are tools such as small scissors and knives or sharp razors.
Embossing needle: The right needle can be considered as the main equipment for embossing that rejecting the wrong choice may cause damage to you and your hand when broken.
The standard needle for this is about 5 to 7.5 cm long. You can also use large sewing needles (embroidery), strong crochet needles with a score of 3.5.
Finger or fingertips: You who are reading this article are probably one of the people who are just starting to start carpet weaving, so it is very likely that the needle tip will enter your fingers at different times at the beginning of the work.
That’s why we recommend using a tool called a finger to protect your hand from being cut with scissors and the needle entering your fingertips.
Suitable yarn: You need to choose a quality yarn for embossing. Choosing the right yarn color will also make your work look much more natural. The best option to buy Rafo yarn is Lenin yarn.
Carpet cream: For worn areas of carpets that need to be repaired, the best option is to use carpet weaving cream, which has elastic properties.
You can get cream from big carpet stores and carpet weaving workshops. If you can not get the desired cream, you can use woolen yarn that has a suitable color.
These are just some of the goal setting shareware that you can use.
Embossing hanger (frame), embossing comb, plain and ordinary scissors and polishing scissors, razor to open the villi, pliers or narrow tail to pull out the thread, ramp, wax, flag, nail, leather tape and gauze.
4. Do the refilling work
To start repairing a handmade rug, you must first determine the type of damage. If your carpet is burnt, we have already carefully examined the method of repairing the burnt carpet, but if your carpet is torn, you should do the following.
In the first step, find the part of the carpet that has been torn and mark it around in some way. Now cut the marked part with scissors or a sharp razor and hold it, because you may need to separate the detached part to be repaired.
In the second step, use embossing thread and needle and sew the edges of the torn part together. To do this, use a narrow tail to pull the needle out of the edges.
In the third step, continue sewing and passing the thread crosswise until you cover the entire volume of the tear with Lenin thread.
In the fourth step, it is necessary to point out that for large tears, it is necessary to use a patch of the same color as the carpet to completely cover the space.
If your carpet has rotted or rotted, you need to be more careful about repairing it. This happens more for woolen carpets than for cotton and silk carpets, and if the weaving rate is high, unfortunately, you can not do anything to repaint.
In this article, we tried to review all the necessary points for refining handmade carpets. For car carpets, due to the lower price, not much work is done, but you can still get help from them through these steps.
If you have any questions or ambiguities about the points and topics mentioned, you can share them with us in the comments section.