03/06/2021Published by marzie.farahani at 03/06/2021Acrylic carpet or silk carpet? Full comparison of their advantagesAcrylic carpet or silk carpet? Perhaps the question that arises when buying and choosing a car carpet for almost everyone, […]
06/06/2021Published by marzie.farahani at 06/06/2021Dyeing of handmade carpets and recognizing its typesDyeing of handmade carpets can definitely be introduced as one of the most important options that can give a special […]
11/06/2021Published by marzie.farahani at 11/06/2021Principles of carpet arrangement and 10 basic pointsprinciples of carpet arrangement is one of the most important issues that you can follow to bring extraordinary beauty to […]
20/06/2021Published by marzie.farahani at 20/06/2021Getting to know Gabbeh Examining the dimensions and designsKnowing Gabbeh and examining its features is one of the specialized cases that it is necessary to look at it […]
26/06/2021Published by marzie.farahani at 26/06/2021Plant colors of carpets and the most important of themPlant colors of carpets are one of the most important issues and questions faced by the carpet weaving industry, whether […]
05/07/2021Published by marzie.farahani at 05/07/2021History of Iranian carpets and carpet weavingThe history of Iranian carpets is perhaps one of the cases about which many different narrations and researches have been […]