Principles of keeping carpets in homes| Tips to increase the life of the carpet (Part 1)
Carpet is one of the most important elements of decoration of any Iranian house and has a large share in the beauty of the house. Since every rug that is purchased has long been a guest house for you, carpet maintenance is one of the things that should be paid special attention to in the house had.
Carpet maintenance, if done properly, not only preserves its appearance and beauty, but also its length it also increases its lifespan. Of course, some people prefer to harmonize with the decoration home, change the carpet at short intervals. Yet even he they must have proper maintenance of the carpet so that the carpet is always in its best condition be.
In this article, Farahan Carpet will discuss the principles of keeping carpets in homes.
What should be the bottom surface of the carpet?
It is very important on what surface you spread the carpet. The surface under the carpet should be flat, free from dirt and dust and most importantly away from moisture. To flatten avoid carpets on carpets or plastic surfaces.
Also be careful not to put anything under the rug. From the passage of wires and other items avoid lifting part of the carpet because it will cause it for a long time the deformation of the carpet will reduce its beauty.
Read more: Principles of carpet arrangement and 10 basic points
Do not expose the carpet to moisture!
It may have happened to you that water was accidentally spilled on the carpet. One of the things that often happens is the kitchen rug. Due to proximity to the sink and washing in the kitchen, it is likely that the kitchen carpet get wet. One of the biggest mistakes people make in this situation is that leave the carpet to dry or, at best, pour water on the carpet take a napkin and wait for the carpet moisture to dry over time.
Moisture is one of the factors that damages the carpet and is an ideal place for mold and bacteria to grow is. To prevent this, if the carpet gets wet, immediately expose it to sunlight to dry. From direct heat-like applications avoid overheating the hair dryer as the fibers may be damaged depending on the type of carpet. With however, some carpets, such as polyester carpets, are closed due to surface pores they are very resistant to moisture and dry easily.
Sweep properly
Most of us have a laid back attitude when it comes to sweeping the carpet. The carpet has a special direction in different parts of it and sweeping should be in the same direction be done. Also note the sweeping motion of the broom on the carpet the same path is wrong. So when you put the broom to sleep on the carpet, Lift it off the carpet and repeat the same part in the sleeping direction if necessary.
Also note that you do not need to sweep the carpet every day. If on instead of sweeping daily, try to keep the carpet from getting dirty very quickly avoid. On the other hand, be sure to sweep the carpet at least once every two weeks it eats, otherwise particles and dirt gradually penetrate to the depths of the carpet and so-called go to the carpet.
Maintenance of rolled carpet
If you plan to store the carpet and do not use it for a while, it is better to choose a place away from air, moisture and humidity. The carpet should be completely rolled and no heavy weight should be placed on it. Periodically open the carpet once every few months to let it air out and roll it again.
Rotate the carpet from time to time
If the carpet is exposed to high footprint, it is better to make the carpet 180 times a year rotate the degree to reduce the effects of carpet cracking. This causes sleep the carpet should be uniformly worn and its life should be increased.
Wash the carpet properly
Although carpet washing and the principles of carpet washing are a very broad discussion, but in this article we try to deal with it in a pure way. The first point is that carpets are a sensitive commodity
and washing it is more sensitive. It is better to wash the carpet to skilled people leave reputable carpet cleaners in addition to washing the carpet to eliminate possible defects in it. Of course, many people these days wash carpets and use different materials for washing without expertise, which may damage the carpet.
In short, it can be said that carpet fibers can be affected by strong detergents and bleach. In this case, if you intend to wash only part of the carpet use mild detergents. If food or other items spill on the carpet, clean it quickly to prevent staining.
Carpet is a valuable commodity and its proper maintenance will decorate our homes for many years. Many of the points we made in this article are very simple points that are often forgotten. By observing these points, you will not only maintain the beauty of the carpet, but you will also increase its life to a great extent. Of course, do not forget that the life of the carpet depends on other factors such as the originality and quality of the carpet itself.