Folding a handmade carpet and how to do it to disinfect the carpet

Folding a handmade carpet is one of the professional measures for disinfecting and disinfecting hand-woven carpets, and at the same time, it is dangerous in carpet cleaners, which requires high expertise and experience.
In the past, we have specially examined the burning of handmade carpets in a separate article, but in this article we have examined a special method that you may not have heard of, and that is the burning of handmade carpets, or carpet burning. Be!
What is handwoven carpet weaving?
Carpet drying is a method that uses the direct heat of a fire with air and small gases on carpets and handwoven carpets, which is used in specialized carpet cleaners.
This method is used for two main purposes:
1. In carpet weaving workshops, after the carpet is woven, in order to remove the lint and small hairs left on the newly woven carpet, a very low heat device is applied to it for a moment by experts until these lints are removed. that are stuck to the carpet due to static electricity, be destroyed.
2. One of the most common and main problems that people face when maintaining handwoven carpets is “willow wear”. Willows are very small creatures that are keratin-eating insects, and since the wool piles of carpets are keratin fibers, they are an ideal food for them.
Since willows do not harm your carpets except when they are in the larval stage, the best time to get rid of them is when they are in the egg stage. On the other hand, the willow bug generally lays eggs in the ends of carpet piles, and for this reason, the use of heat and flame from behind the carpet can destroy these eggs. Handwoven carpets are folded in carpet cleaners for the same reason.
The steps of folding a handmade carpet
First of all, it is necessary to point out that it may not seem very difficult to do this at first glance, but it must be said that this work is a specialized method that requires a high level of experience to do it, and for this reason, in All carpet cleaning is entrusted to the master craftsman, and we recommend that you never do it yourself because your handmade carpet, which is definitely expensive, may catch fire and burn.
In order to fold your handmade carpet, you need to prepare the necessary environmental conditions first. This should be done in an open space, and before starting the work, the additional items of the carpet, such as the root cover, embroidered leather, hooks (for carpet panels), etc., should be removed from it, and then spread it on the back on the floor.
after spreading the carpet and before washing the carpet; Using air gas, the craftsman begins to heat the carpet in a reciprocating action to burn the willow eggs, which are very sticky, and destroy them.
Be careful that the brushing process is only used for the back of the carpet and don’t think that you can remove the lint on the carpet with it; Because you will burn and change the color of your carpet piles.
It is also necessary to point out that the act of folding a hand-woven carpet is used for carpets whose knots are made of wool, and it is not recommended to use this method for carpets made with cotton and silk. The reason for this is the high sensitivity of cotton and silk to heat, which can damage their structure and even cause them to catch fire.
Of course, in some carpet cleaners, brushing is also used for silk carpets, but for this, the carpet must be moistened before starting to prevent the carpet from catching fire and getting damaged. Of course, this is rarely done, and the reason for this, in addition to the expensiveness of silk carpets, is the fact that silk carpets are rarely stolen and do not need to be brushed.
What to do after removing the carpet?
After the process of hand-woven carpet is finished, you must remove dust and smoke from the carpet. You can do this by using a vacuum cleaner or a hand broom.
If your handwoven carpet is very old and it is considered to be an antique carpet, we recommend that you dust it by hand so that it does not cause any problems.
Is carpet cleaning necessary?
Maybe this question has occurred to you that it is necessary for me to deodorize my carpet by brushing or not?
If your carpet has not yet suffered from willow, you can prevent this from happening by taking a series of preventive measures:
1. The continuous use of a broom causes willow eggs to come out, and the best thing is to continuously clean the carpet.
2. Move the carpet once every 3 months so that the air flow is placed behind it.
3. Once a year, spread the carpet under the sun and sweep the back of it.
4. Three environmental factors very suitable for the growth of the willow bug; It is humidity, darkness and heat. By eliminating these three factors, you can largely prevent this insect from spawning among the piles of your carpet.
But if your carpet is damaged, should you start cleaning your handmade carpet at the very beginning? I have to say no.
First, you should thoroughly dust and wash your carpet. There is an old solution that you can eliminate willows by pouring tobacco under the carpet, but this can only be done for dark-colored carpets because it can color your carpet.
The use of chemicals such as naphthalene, ioline, or methine FF, or DDT, or hydro can also eliminate willows to a great extent, and you don’t need to cut and heat the carpet.
In this article, we have tried to check the points necessary for folding a hand-woven carpet for you in detail, if you have any questions about the said material or you would like to order a hand-woven carpet with a specialized group, contact the numbers Contact us on the site. (contact us)