Farahan Carpet in 21st handmade carpet of Isfahan
In this week Farahan Carpet has participated in Isfahan handmade carpet exhibition. This exhibition has been holding for21 years and being one the most important exhibition in the handmade carpet in Iran. Farahan Carpet has made lots of attention by its special and unique and modern handmade carpet. The most important object of Farahan Carpet was introducing Arak handmade carpet to others. As we know Arak region was one the most important centers in producing handmade carpet in Sarough, Moshkabad, Mahal, Jiria. But unfortunately today because of neglected and inefficient authorities Arak handmade carpet is stagnated so in this situation Farahan Carpet is trying to make a way to improve and develop handmade carpet of Arak again.

Isfahan handmade carpet exhibition

Isfahan handmade carpet exhibition