Dyeing of handmade carpets and recognizing its types

Dyeing of handmade carpets can definitely be introduced as one of the most important options that can give a special beauty and effect to handmade carpets. The principles of classification of different colors in dyeing are very different, from the properties and the main structure of the colors to the type of consumption for different products from fabrics, clothes, yarn and leather to creams used in carpet weaving.
In this article, we are going to give a general introduction to the dyeing dye used in the carpet weaving industry, and then we will go to the two main and common divisions in this field and examine them thoroughly.
Recognize the color of Dyeing of handmade carpets
The first point that needs to be carefully determined in determining the dye color of the carpet is the chemical structure of the fibers used in the carpet texture.
In fact, it is the type of fiber that determines what kind of dye is needed for our work and what dyeing technique we should use for it, to better understand this issue, consider an example:
Fibers derived from animals and originating naturally, such as wool and silk, have a protein structure that is divided into two groups: acidic and alkaline.
When you use fibers with this structure, it is natural to connect colors to their molecules. You should use colors that have a similar structure and specific to them, so your colors should also have an acidic and alkaline structure and should be natural in a way. .
But when you use synthetic fibers for your carpet texture, your working methods are different for the dye dye to attach to your synthetic fibers (polyolefins and hydrocarbons).
In the following, we will carefully examine both types of carpet dyeing colors, ie natural and artificial colors, and introduce their types to you.
1. Natural colors in Dyeing of handmade carpets
In general, in carpet dyeing, natural models that are used are divided into 3 general categories, vegetable dyes, animal dyes and metallic dyes.
Each of these colors has its own specifications and properties that we will examine in order for you.
A) Vegetable dye dye
Vegetable colors are the first and definitely the best color among all types of carpet dyeing colors that can bring great quality and beauty to your carpet.
As its name suggests, these dyes are derived from natural plants, the most important of which are; Ronas, walnut skin, indigo, hair leaves, pomegranate skin.
The characteristic feature of using natural colors is their high stability and transparency, which makes the result very suitable. In a way, using these colors can have a direct impact on the selling price of the carpet and subconsciously attract the buyer to you.
Read more: Types of carpet sleeps and getting to know more about carpet weaving
B) Animal dye color
If you are one of the people who are not familiar with this industry and color, you may be a little surprised to hear the title of this section at the beginning and ask yourself; animal?? Color??
Among animals and insects, there is a special species called red seed that is used to produce dyes for various purposes, from the clothing industry and the production of dyes for fabrics, yarns, clothes, leather and even in the production of food such as sausages, Drinks and …
In Iran, we know the red seed color as lacquer, which has different types, Mediterranean, Polish, Vermilo cream, Indian red seed, Mexican red seed, etc.
C) Metal dye paint
The last natural option used in Dyeing of handmade carpets . These colors are obtained from metal compounds and have a very beautiful effect.
But the question that may arise in your mind here is that this type of paint that is obtained from metals should not be classified as artificial colors and not natural? !!
In answer to this question, you should say that these paints use natural metal compounds that exist naturally, such as iron oxide (yellow and red ocher), yellow lead oxide (stone carcass), azure blue, Prussian blue
2. Carpet dyeing color with artificial structure
In general, in the dyeing of carpets, the synthetic models that are used are divided into two general categories, aniline colors and chrome colors.
The use of this type of paint has a very long history in the carpet and rug weaving industry and has been used for coloring creams since ancient times.
There are two main reasons for the popularity of using artificial colors, the first reason is definitely their cheap price, which can reduce the cost of carpets for sale and purchase.
The second reason can be considered in the ease of dyeing work using these colors. These two factors have caused the import of this type of paint from Europe to continue after a long time.
These two types of carpet dyeing colors (aniline and chrome) have their own specifications and properties that we will examine them for you, respectively.
A) Aniline dye dye
The use of aniline dyes can definitely be considered a betrayal of the carpet weaving industry in Iran, which unfortunately, after many years, they are easily used to dye yarns and creams.
The main ingredients for which aniline is used are red dyes. Since the natural ingredient used to have red inks is rhubarb, which is not easily obtained and has a high price, the use of aniline is an alternative. Has been.
In addition to the above, you need local dyes to use natural dyes such as ronas to do this for a small fee, while you boil a small amount of red aniline to get the yarn you need on the stove. Paint your house.
Although you can significantly reduce the speed and cost of using aniline for carpet dyeing, you should also be aware that you are reducing the quality of the work as much.
These dyes react significantly to sunlight and lose their color, as is the case with alkaline detergents.
In general, if you want the quality of cream in carpets, yarns in fabrics and clothes to be significantly poor quality, use this color.
B) Chrome dye color
This type of carpet dyeing paint, if done with sufficient skill, can produce much better results than alignini paint, but it is still considered as a chemical dye and lacks the special properties of natural dyes.
Chrome paints are more stable than albino due to the simultaneous use of a substance called potash picromate, and over time you will experience a uniform and consistent color, but it still has a big but:
Using a little chrome colors will take your handmade rug out of the look of a work of art and give a metallic look to new rugs, and for old rugs this will become old and dead colors.
Which is better in carpet dyeing? Natural or artificial
If you have worked with us so far, you should definitely be able to guess what the answer to this question is; Undoubtedly natural colors
Synthetic dyes due to the use of chemicals used for them can cause respiratory and skin allergies in the long run for family members, especially infants and children.
Maybe at the beginning of buying fabrics, clothes, carpets and any other product that is prepared with artificial colors, enjoy it, but do not doubt that with the passage of time and washing, these beauties, color transparency, shine, etc. are all from They will go away.
The next problem is the use of artificial colors to hit the domestic economy and honorable producers and weavers who have trouble selling handmade carpets in their natural color due to slightly higher prices.
Finally, we will say that the color in the dyeing of handmade carpets can generally increase the quality of handmade and vice versa can reduce their value. It depends on people’s decision to use natural and artificial colors.