Cleaning all kinds of stains from handmade carpets

Cleaning all kinds of stains from handmade and machine-made carpets is one of the most important issues and problems that many of us are looking for a solution to remove. In general, the method of cleaning stains is completely different depending on their origin and type, and you need to first identify the type of stain created and then look for a solution to eliminate it.
In this article, we intend to identify the main and most common stains created on Farahan carpets on handmade and machine-made carpets and then provide a practical method for each of them so that we can get the best out of them from our carpets. Let’s clean.
The first step is to clean carpet stains
We mentioned that cleaning all kinds of stains on carpets has a separate method, but something that is almost the same for removing all stains; Quick removal of the source of the stain.
In fact, the speed of action in cleaning the created stain is the first step that you need to do to remove all the stains. To do this, if the stain is caused by a large volume of liquids such as tea or coffee, it is necessary to use a spoon to collect the main volume of the liquid and then reduce the concentration of the stain by pouring a little water so that you can use a cloth. Dry cotton or towel, remove the bulk of the stain.
Do not forget that it is very, very important to remove the stain quickly before it dries, and if you allow the stain to penetrate the fibers of your carpet, it will be very difficult to remove and remove it, and you will have to. You are using strong chemicals to clean stains that can damage the texture of your carpet, and especially for handmade carpets, damage to the fibers means a sharp reduction in its value!
Clean all kinds of carpet stains
After taking the first step in cleaning carpet stains, you need to choose your cleaning method depending on the type of stain created. The stains on the carpet are completely different.
You can not use one method to clean all stains. That’s why we first introduce you to the types of stains so that you can identify the type of stain created on your handmade or machine-made carpet and then proceed to remove it.
Introducing different types of carpet stains
In general, we have 6 categories of carpet stains that the methods of staining and cleaning them are different:
Soluble and liquid stains (soda, milk, ink, jelly, tea, coffee, food coloring and urine)
Grease and oil stains
Adhesive stains
Nail polish stains
Stains of blood, sauce, chewing gum and chocolate
Solid stains (candles, butter, fruit, etc.)
Cleaning 10 common types of stains on carpets
After recognizing the type of stain created on the carpet, you should proceed to clean and remove it, which we have prepared for you separately in the following method of cleaning different types of carpet stains.
1. Clean tea stains on the carpet
Tea stain can undoubtedly be the most common type of stain on the carpet, which we will deal with at least once a month. The important thing to say at the outset is to never use boiling water to clean tea stains, as this will stabilize the tea stain rather than clean it.
To clean, after collecting the spilled tea with a spoon and cleaning it with a dry towel, pour a little cold water on the place to dilute the color of the tea. Then mix one part white vinegar with three parts baking soda and mix well until it becomes a completely doughy state.
Now rub the prepared noir on the stain with a spoon and wait for two minutes, and after two minutes, pull the paste on the stain with a reciprocating motion until your stain is completely clean, and then clean the paste with a cloth and place the case. Clean the comment with water. Do the same for coffee.
2. Clean soda stains from carpets
After tea, we can introduce the stain created from soda as the second option that happens to us a lot. How to clean soda stains if they are newly created is very easy. After collecting the spilled drink with a spoon, it is enough to thoroughly clean the stain with a dry cotton cloth. Remember not to do this in such a way as to increase the size of the stain. Then spray the stain with cold water and clean it again with a dry cloth, continue until the stain is completely removed.
But if your stain is old, your job is a little harder. To clean it, pour 1 tablespoon of dishwashing liquid and 1 glass of warm water in a can and spray it on the stain, and after cleaning the stain, dry the place with a dry cloth.
3. Clean blood stains from carpets
To remove blood stains from the carpet If your stain is fresh, first try to collect as much blood as possible from the carpet by pressing a clean cloth on the stain. Try to start at the sides of the stain and work your way to the center to prevent it from spreading. Avoid rubbing the stain as this will only spread your stain more and make your job harder.
In the next step, try to moisten your stain with cold water spray and then dry it with a clean cloth. Keep doing this until your wet bloodstain is completely removed.
If the stain still does not disappear after doing this, add some salt to cold water until it becomes a paste. Then apply the paste on the stain and after a few minutes, wipe it with a clean cloth. After cleaning the stain, be sure to clean the area with a vacuum cleaner to collect the remaining salts. Remaining salt on the carpet is possible May damage your handmade or machine-made carpet fibers.
Read more: 4 important principles in choosing the right carpet for a small space
4. Clean carpet oil stains
Cleaning oil stains from carpets is a little harder because if you are careful, grease and oil stains have an annoying sticky state. At the beginning, try to collect as much oil as possible by placing a clean cloth on the carpet and pressing it.
In the next step you need the color solvents that are available in the market. Dip one foot into warm paraffin 3 times, pausing between layers to allow them to dry.
In the final step, pour some cornstarch or baking soda on the part that has oil stains and then using an old soft toothbrush, clean the stain with cornstarch or baking soda and at the end of the work, vacuum the stain. Sweep to collect these materials from the carpet.
Of course, you can also do this using dishwashing liquid, just mix some water with a few drops of dishwashing liquid in a bucket, then pour in the parts that are greasy and clean all parts with a brush and stain. And finish washing the carpet.
5. Clean the urine from the carpet
One of the most common problems, especially for young couples and families with babies, is to remove urine stains from the carpet. In order to clean your urine, in addition to cleaning, you need to use a compound that can eliminate the bad smell of urine.
To do this, we recommend using a mixture of water, Vitex, white vinegar and some carpet shampoo. After the initial cleaning of the urine with a clean cloth, all you have to do is mix these 4 ingredients together and apply on the desired stain to completely stain your carpet. When finished, dry the area with a clean cloth and allow your carpet to dry.
If you still have stains on your carpet using the above combination, you can use hydrogen peroxide to remove the remnants of urine.
6. Remove nail polish from the carpet
The next thing we want to look at together is cleaning nail polish from handmade and machine-made carpets. To do this, first try to collect the lacquer from the carpet as much as possible using a small spoon. In the next step, using a clean cloth, collect the remaining varnish from the carpet by tapping the cloth.
After the initial steps, you need a proper cleanser. Acetone-free cleansing varnishes are the best option for this. Just before using, be sure to try a little on a part of the carpet to make sure it does not damage the color of your carpet. Do this on a part of the carpet that is not too visible. The color of some carpets is artificial and weak and may be lost by using this material.
In the final step, dip a clean cloth in the cleaning varnish or other cleaner and tap on the carpet stain to remove the stain completely. Do not forget to pour the polish remover directly on the carpet, as it may damage the fibers of your carpet.
If the nail polish on your carpet is dry, to clean the carpet stain, you can gently remove the surface of the carpet that the varnish has been spilled on with a pair of scissors, provided that you do not damage the carpet.
7. Cleaning ink stains on carpets
Cleaning ink stains is a very sensitive task and inaccurate cleaning time can increase the amount of stains in a special way, especially if the stain is on the white part of your carpet.
To clean ink stains from carpets, first place a cotton towel on the ink stains on the carpet to absorb some of the ink. Do not stain the fabric in any way. (It gets worse).
Then pour a small amount of baby shampoo on the stain and after a few minutes, put a wet towel with warm water on it. Finally, pour some warm water on the stain and wipe off the remaining stain on the carpet with another clean towel.
8. Remove gum stains from carpets
Many of us may have heard of chewing gum stains on carpets but do not know exactly what to do.
As you can guess, the best way to clean gum stains is to use ice. To remove the stickiness of the gum, which is the biggest problem to clean it, you just need to put an ice cube inside a small piece of nylon and put it on the gum. In this way, the gum freezes and comes out of the sticky state.
Of course, it is necessary to know that in this method, you can also use other devices that act like ice and reduce the temperature of the gum. Among these devices, we can mention cooling spray. Once you are completely sure that the gum is freezing, easily remove it from your carpet.
9. Cleaning chocolate carpet stains
Chocolate is one of the most popular foods that children especially enjoy eating. It is also quite common for your carpet to be stained with chocolate. There are different ways to remove chocolate stains from carpets, the best of which is to use a combination of three glasses of water, a glass of white vinegar, some shampoo and finally a spoon of Vitex.
To remove stains, first remove the chocolate from the carpet surface with a spoon, and in the next step, remove the remaining stain from the carpet with a clean, dry cloth.
In the next step, after preparing the said solution, pour a part of it on the chocolate stain and then wipe it completely with a clean cloth. Finally after cleaning Staining, complete the stain removal with shampoo and warm water.
10. Remove glue stains from the carpet
Remember that you have very little time to clean the glue stains from the carpet, and if the glue dries on the surface of your carpet, it will change the color of the fibers. The procedure is slightly different for gluing stains.
The first solution is to use an iron; After collecting the glue with a spoon, put a clean cotton cloth on the place, I emphasize the cloth should be cotton. Then iron on the fabric with a medium degree iron to remove the glue from the carpet and stick to your fabric.
Finally, use a combination of soap, water and dishwashing liquid to remove the remaining glue on the carpet surface. At the end of the work, dry the stain completely with a dry cloth.
In this article, we have tried to examine the most important methods of cleaning all kinds of hand-made and machine-made carpet stains, but if you have any questions or ambiguities about the said claim, or your stain with the 10 cases that we have examined. It’s different, share it with us in the comments section so we can respond to you as soon as possible.